Thanksgiving Weekend And Christmas Is Coming!

We were lucky to have Sawyer's cousins here from California
through the weekend.  We spent Saturday afternoon at the
Grapevine Mills Mall where Sawyer loved riding the Carousel
with his aunt Stephanie.  The weather turned cold only 3 days
before, so it was a bit chilly to go outside.

We decorated the house on Sunday evening.  Sawyer
particularly loves the animated snowmen decorations we have
from Hallmark because he can push a button and make them
go.  He LOVES to push them all at once and start a veritable
orchestra of singing snowmen.

Sawyer's Pie and Papa sent him some of his own luggage for
him to pull seeing as he so loved doing it while he as on
vacation in Utah.  This one is great because it doubles as a
truck he can ride.  He loved having Brent pull him as well.

Sawyer's interest in Brent's phone led Brent to buying Sawyer
his own "phone" - which is really an iPod touch.  Brent put
some Sesame Street videos on them - which as far as Sawyer
is concerned are really only of value as long as Elmo is on the
screen!  But it's turned out that he's enjoyed it and has made it
easier for Brent to get his email done!

But the highlight of the week was the "Carol of Lights" at school
where Sawyer's class sang the "Fa, la, la, la" part of Deck the
Halls.  Sawyer sang with gusto when it came to the kids part.  
The funniest thing, however, was Sawyer led his class out the
door, but they told him to "Go outside and sit down."  He took it
LITERALLY, and walked out the door, ONE STEP, then sat
down, so the rest of his class literally tumbled over him  - one
of the teachers literally had to move him, as he thought he had
done as he was told!
November-December 2010
Year 2 Week 7
Sawyer With His New "Truck"
It is actually luggage which he can sit on and
be pulled that his Pie and Papa sent him as a
Watching The Trashmen Pick Up Our Trash
The big truck was the star of the show.
Ready For Bed
All clean!
Sawyer Watches "Elmo" On His New iPod
Playing Trains Before School
After getting dressed, Sawyer likes to play
trains every morning.
Sawyer Looks Out The Window Hoping To
See Another Squirrel Climb The Tree
Playing With The Hallmark Dancing Snowman
Christmas Decorations Are Great!
Sawyer LOVES these Christmas decorations
that sing and dance if he pushes a button.
He's Got His Luggage And Is On His Way -
Albeit Without His Shoes
Sawyer And Daddy Play With Their "Phones"
Brushing His Teeth With Mommy's
Giddy Up Already!
Sawyer enthusiastically tried to get his horse
to go faster on his ride on the Carousel.
Sawyer's Class Singing Deck The Halls
Loving His New "Phone" - iPod Touch
Look At Me! Ready For My First Performance
Deck The Halls
The teachers sung "Deck the Halls" and the kids did the
"Fa, la, la, la, las." Sawyer sang with gusto!
I Love Hanging With My Daddy
Watching Elmo On The Kitchen Floor