Opening Birthday Presents - So Much Fun

Sawyer's pals were all very generous for his birthday, so our
little guy, who is already so fortunate, had a ball with the new
things that came in those fantastically colored packages.  
Sawyer has finally gotten to the stage where he's really more
interested in what is actually in the package than the
package itself.

He got a plane that reminded him of his Papa's and then
who could resist a Hot Wheels set!  Daddy and Sawyer had
as much putting it together as they did playing with it -
especially with some poor citizen who kept standing in the  
middle of the street - Daddy kept taking the guy out - Sawyer
found it hilarious.

Mom and Dad got lucky this year because our little hockey
player didn't make it a "Hat Trick" of no naps before his
birthday parties.  Sawyer was so tired by half way through
Saturday that he luckily crashed for a full hour and a half
before the party began - we were thrilled!

That said, he did insist on changing his pants to khakis
before he would go.

This week, when Mommy came to pick Sawyer up, he was
cuddling one of the baby dolls.  She had thought he was in
time out - but it turned out he was just making sure that he
was sitting still, cuddling the baby so she could sleep.  He
then informed Mommy that he was going to put her in the
cradle and rocker her.  Mommy had to wait - this was
important stuff.  We think he is practicing for when he sees
his new cousin Natasha - we had been talking about her
quite a bit.
October 2011
Year 2 Week 52
Sawyer And Dad Play With The New
Hotwheels Car Set
Sawyer Gets To Wear The Birthday Hat At
Mom ordered a hockey cake for the kids to
have at school on Monday (the day after his
official birthday.)
This Car Makes Lots Of Noise
We have Sawyer's best friend Peyton for that!
Sawyer Shows Off His New Airplane He
Received For His Birthday
Sawyer Is Excited About His New Car From His Friend
Sawyer Flies His New Plane
Asleep With His Lego Man Close By
Exhausting Day
Waiting Patiently For Lunch To Arrive
Sawyer Shops For A Toy Using A Gift Card
From His Birthday
A Lego Fire truck was the choice of this
Sawyer Looking Up To His Daddy
Sawyer Gets To Explore The Fire Engine
That Visited His School This Week
Sawyer Opens His Gifts After His Party
Little Liza Jane - Featuring video!