We're Officially In Preschool - And It Wore Us Out!

Over the weekend we got to the park behind our house -
despite the 98 degree weather. We're very grateful for the
trees that shade it!  Sawyer can climb up almost all of the
challenges and loves going with Daddy to show off.  He also
got in the pool with Brent this weekend for the first time of the
summer.  This year was quite different from the previous two
as Sawyer is much more cautious than he has been the two
years before. We've enrolled him in swim classes but they
don't start until next week.

This week our little man officially started Preschool - and on
his first day of preschool he climbed out of his crib for the first
time. We can't believe it's taken him this long to do so - we've
known he could for about 2 years now - but we were happy
for the extra sleep.

At school, it's actually "summer camp" right now for all the
classes, but Sawyer and his pal Peyton moved up together.  
Both are really loving it. During "summer camp" at school the
kids get to do all sorts of fun things, like dress up for certain
themed-days like "Wacky, Sports, Rock Star," etc., they get to
make snack and they get to have Splash Day. Splash Day is
where they dress in their bathing suits and
water-appropriate-shoes going to school and then in the
morning they get to run through a sprinkler on their first
recess. Friday was the first Splash Day of the summer and
when Kate brought the camera in to get some photos all the
little boys wanted to be in the picture - what luck!

But the day wore Sawyer out as he had to come home early
with a temperature - but we've discovered a new service
covered by our insurance where they make "house calls!"  It's
June 2011
Year 2 Week 34
Sawyer And Dad Climb At The Park Behind
The House
"Hey, Where Did Daddy Go?"
"Say Cheese Mommy"
Kate has been taking pictures and videos with
her new iPhone she sends to the
grandmothers almost every day.
Dad Encourages Sawyer To Jump To Him
Sawyer is older and wiser and not as ready to jump in this
year - he starts swim lessons next week.
Sawyer Watches His Phone In His
Sawyer Was Ready To Get The Day Going On
His First Official Day Of Preschool
Cooper, Beck, Dylan, Sawyer And  Best Pal-Peyton Are
Ready For Splash Day
Sawyer Eats Breakfast With His Buddy
Reese In His Preschool Class On His First
Official Full Day
Having Part Of A Clif Bar For Breakfast
"Chocolate" can be a great motivator in the
Sawyer Takes The Toys He Plays With In The Car Out
We're much less interested in supper than we are our
trucks and motorcycles!
Sawyer As A Superhero - Featuring video!
Escaping Swim Lessons - Featuring video!
Skip To My Lou - Featuring video!
Sawyer Was Sick On Friday And Instead Of
Going To The Doctor's Office, The Doctor
Service Came To Our House. This Is Lynette.
I Did It!
After some coaxing, Brent got Sawyer to jump in.
Dad Works With Sawyer On Learning To Swim
Sawyer isn't as keen on the pool now that he understands
the risks better.
Trying To Avoid Having To Go To Bed Sawyer Watches
His Phone In His Jammies
Sawyer Climbs These Tricky Steps For The
First Time
"Mommy, I Love Your New Phone"
"Yes, Sawyer, I do give it back please..."
Sawyer Thinks Whatever Dad Is Saying Is
So Funny
Kick Those Legs!
Sawyer can't believe he's not only ALLOWED
but SUPPOSED to splash! This is great!
Yes, We ARE Very, Very Happy
It's nice to take advantage of the pool and the
backyard now that summer is upon us.
Lounging After A Tiring Swim
Warm and worn out, Sawyer hangs out after
swimming with Daddy.
Sawyer Holds Court
We've noticed he always sits at the head of the table -
regardless of the class.
Still Loving The Slides!
We're grateful for the park behind our house
AND the trees that shade it!
On Friday Sawyer Was Sent Home With a Fever
Feeling lousy, he wanted to sleep in "Daddy's bed" and
have his cars with him.
Sawyer And Peyton Compare Water Shoes
Pre Haircut
Mid Haircut
Post Haircut