Easter In California

We decided to venture back to Southern California for the
holiday.  It was great to see all the cousins.  

He had a ball riding the carousel with Anthony and C.J. at
The Great park in Irvine. They also taught Sawyer how to go
and hunt for Easter eggs at Grandma and Graddad's house
(seeing as Sawyer really didn't understand the concept on
the Thursday before at school.)

He also had an utter blast with his Petrie cousins.  His
eleven year old cousin Aidan decided to do some daring
driving down the side of Pie and Papa's house on a little cart
(of sorts) and Sawyer figured he could do it too on his
mini-big-wheel.  Well, he did! (Much to his Uncle Russell's
concern, "Just call me when someone breaks something...")

Sawyer also enjoyed playing with both Pie and Papa's dog,
but Uncle Russ and Auntie Grace's dog as well.

The end of the trip was a bit trying because we got delayed
more than five hours in Orange County airport, but he was a
real trooper and more patient than either of his parents in the
April 2011
Year 2 Week 28
"Okay, Mommy, When Can We Go To
Sawyer Rides Down The Twisty Hill At Pie
and Papa's House
"If Cousin Aidan can do it, so can I!"
Sawyer Is A Great Helper With The
Squeegee And Takes His Job Very Seriously!
There Are Eggs With Candy Out Here!
Having A Snack As We Wait For Our Plane
To Head Home
Sawyer Rides Like A Big Boy (By Himself) On
The Carousel At The Great Park In Irvine.
He was definitely inspired by Anthony and C.J.!
"I Love The Sampler! Squash, Strawberries, Yogurt And
Peanut Butter!"
Balancing On The Ledge
You've Got The Mirror Turned Around
"Mirror, mirror in my hand..."
Sawyer And His Cousins Gracie, Aidan and Graham
Watch "Olivia" On Sawyer's Phone
Riding Down The Hill - Featuring video!
Easter Egg Hunt - Featuring video!
Being Sweet To Roxy, Uncle Russell, Auntie
Grace and Cousin Nicolette's Puppy Dog