Life In The Buff

We still have our focus on potty training - as you will see in
the photos from this week seeing as Sawyer is not wearing
pants in all but one of them!

Sawyer's trains did not fit the gauge of his track so Brent
found an all-in-one track and roundhouse.  With it came a
Thomas itself - Sawyer was very excited about that because
he has few of Thomas's friends but he didn't have a Thomas
just yet - he showed his new toy to everyone who would look
and listen.

The weather has been warm and gorgeous, so that means
that the pool water is going down as it evaporates.  Sawyer
had a ball filling the pool over the weekend and playing in the

He also had a great time "helping" Daddy clean the pool and
do yard work - this has now become a weekly event - it could
not be cuter.

Spending so much time in the back yard he has discovered
the little retaining wall on the side of the house where the
pool equipment is located.  He loves to walk on the "ledge"
but is very careful about the risks he takes - it's fascinating to
watch him do that in just about everything that he does.

Finally, Sawyer has discovered the joys of "dining al fresco."  
He doesn't want to eat inside anymore.  We're hoping the
weather stays nice for as long as possible because eating
outside when it's 120 in the backyard can be a bit
March 2011
Year 2 Week 23
Having Fun With The Water
Balancing On The Wall With Teddy
Sawyer Walks Along The Stone Wall
Having Fun Playing In The Water
Walking On The Wall - Featuring video!
Playing With Thomas The Train Outside On A Gorgeous
Sawyer Rides His Bike Near The Pool
He is wearing his helmet, but did not want the straps on.
Sawyer Helps Dad Clean The Pool
Sawyer Explores The Yard With Teddy
Concentrating On His Task
Helping Daddy Fill The Pool
Potty Training Is Going Slowly, But We're
Hanging Out After School
"Where Did You Want This Water Dad?"
You Caught Me Mommy!
Ah The Power Of Controlling The Hose
Sawyer Really Enjoys Walking Along This Wall