A Couple Of Early Mornings And The Commencement of
Potty Training!

We made it to the park this weekend but it was chillier than
we had expected it to be.  After approaching it carefully the
first time, Sawyer scaled the climbing wall like it was nothing
several times.  Brent just stood for safety but we got video of
our little Monkey - so do take a look!

We have also confirmed that if our little man gets distracted
at dinner and doesn't eat enough, he WILL wake up at some
ungodly hour (think 3:30 or 4:00 a.m.) super hungry and
unable to go back to sleep without a snack.  In the middle of
the night, he
refuses  to get back in his bed.  Either he sleeps
on Mommy, or no one gets any sleep at all.  

Brent was away in Houston from Tuesday through Friday, so
when we had a second sleepless night on Wednesday
(Sunday night being the first) Kate did something she has
never done in Sawyer's 2 1/2 years - she brought him to bed
with her in desperation.  When the alarm went off, Sawyer sat
up in bed, but Kate was yet groggy.  However, Sawyer leaned
over first kissed Kate and then sweetly said, "Mommy still
sleeping?  Hello Mommy.  I'll pat Mommy gently so she can
go night, night."  Is there any better way to wake up in the
morning than sweet cheeks, big brown eyes and a warm
smile? Needless to say, the following evening she was in
bed all of 10 minutes after Sawyer went down himself.

This week they started trying to do potty training for Sawyer.  
Monday it was looking promising, but it turned out to be
"beginners luck" as it went down hill the rest of the week.  
Sawyer knows, however, that he won't be able to go to true
"preschool" until he is potty trained - and he definitely wants
to go, but so far it's not been quite enough motivation.
February 2011
Year 2 Week 19
Sawyer Helps Daddy Vacuum The Garage
"I'm Coming Mommy."
Sometimes It's Fun To Inch Down The Slide
Doing The Tunnel Like It's Old Hat
Scaling The Climbing Wall - Featuring video!
Climbing Up The Slide - Featuring video!
Sawyer Enjoys Pancakes And Sitting On The Island On A
Sunday Morning
Watching The iPhone While Keeping An Eye On What
Mommy Is Doing In The Kitchen, "Come On Mommy!"
Sawyer And Daddy Love To Explore
Down The Long Slide
Sawyer Loves To Help Daddy Keep The
Garage Spotless
"Down We Go!"
Sawyer Up Early On A Sunday Night/Monday
Watch Elmo Before School On His "Phone"
Sawyer Hangs Out And Watches Elmo While Mom Gets
Dad Is There For Backup Only As Sawyer
Climbs All By Himself