Beautiful To Frigid In Dallas Then To Glorious In California!

Saturday's weather was so nice that Kate and Sawyer went to
the outside park where he had so much fun with all of the
little kids just running and enjoying the sunshine.  Sunday it
turned cold so we headed to the inside park (a.k.a
McDonald's, which we've found is a God-send on inclement
weather days) and by Monday night it was cold - really cold.  

In fact this week we had some of the worst weather the
Dallas area has
ever experienced - all the schools were
closed for four days straight, as was Kate's office and the
credit union was basically closed for 3 and a half days.  We
had rain and then sleet and snow, all within a few hours and
the temperature didn't get above freezing for four days.  You
will see from the photo below, our entire street was like a
dusted ice rink.  We are VERY impressed with our Audi
Quatros - all wheel drive makes a huge difference!

Tuesday and Wednesday were hard for Sawyer, (and Mom
and Dad) to be stuck in the house - everyone trying to do their
respective "work". If you don't know or recall, a two year old's
job includes chatting almost nonstop the time, singing in
between and generally creating a wonderful mess and
respectable ruckus. We played tag-team as best we could so
we could both get a bit done and do conference calls without
In the background - we think people were generally just kind
and pretended they didn't hear.

Wednesday evening we left for Southern California to
celebrate Kate's brother's daughter's 1st birthday.  Sawyer
had a wonderful time playing with his cousins.

The weather could not have put on a better show while we
were there and between that and family, it was hard to come
January-February 2011
Year 2 Week 16
Sawyer And Mom Try To Get Ready For A
Nap On A Snow Day
Hey Mom!
Sawyer Reads To Mommy
"Playing" Video Games...Or Better Put
"Playing At Playing" Video Games
Sawyer With Blankets - Featuring video!
Making Up Songs - Featuring video!
Swinging With Anthony - Featuring video!
"Mom, Dad, News Flash, The Weather Here In California,
In FEBRUARY, Is fantastic!"
On Tuesday (Feb. 1) Ice About An Inch Thick Covered All
The Streets So Everything Closed
Just Chillin' At The "Inside Park" - a.k.a. McDonald's
Hurry!  I Get The Slide First!
Climbing UP The Slide
Playing With The Cousins At Anthony And
CJ's Park
You Gotta Check This Sand-Stuff Out...But
Word To The Wise, It Doesn't Taste Good
When You're Really Cool, You Sit Side
Saddle And Wear Your Helmet Super Low
I'm Chillin' - Got The Cousins, I'm In The Big
Boy Swing...I'm 'Da Man!
"Go Faster"
Fred Flintstone eat your heart out baby!